Storm Water Fee Increase

Ordinance 5650 passed 7/25/2017 means that you will see an increase in your storm water fee. The SFU rate* to be applied to residential and nonresidential properties for fiscal year 2018 starting January 1, 2018, 2020, and 2022 are identified below:

FY 2018   $4.64/SFU/month (beginning January 1, 2018)

FY 2020   $5.25/SFU/month

FY 2022   $6.03/SFU/month

The storm water fee is being increased in order to maintain the stability of the storm water fund. To learn more about the storm water enterprise fund by reading the storm water fee ordinances, click here.  

*A SFU (single family unit) is the amount of impervious area on the average single family home in Memphis. One SFU is equal to 3,147 square feet of impervious area. To read more about how and why the storm water enterprise exists and what your new rate will be, try our FAQ page.